Z SoccerChic9: Monday
Monday, March 21, 2005
I am sore, after playing aproximately 14 volleyball games on Saturday, and this pain has caused me to look like a pregnant camel. I can't walk normal - and I look absolutely hillarious as I waddle, yes waddle, across the earth. It's funny, for everyone else, and if I think of it right in my head it makes me laugh - cause I can only imagine what I look like. Even Cheryl, as school, said to me today - you are walking kinda wierd. I was like dude, so much for trying to look normal. At least I now know what I would walk like if I was pregnant - oh it's not going to be pretty.

As I mentioned before, I watched Kate and Lepold (sp?) the other night. After watching it I was wondering to myself what makes so many girls think that he is so incredibly awesome. I came up with this theory:

Girls want to feel important, beautiful, accepted, and loved. Sometimes they will go to extreme measures in order to accomplish this - but at the end of the day - I think all they want is a guy who is totally devoted to them. Who doesn't? Like a guy who only has eyes for you, who thinks you are the most amazing thing that has ever happened to this world, who cherishes you and respects you - all those things. I think that is what attracts us to the movie.

Then again, that is just a theory - I could be wrong - it's happened before.
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