Z SoccerChic9: My weekend...
Sunday, March 13, 2005
was spent chasing two little boys, cleaning an entire house until my hands were all dried out (and still are), changing enough diapers to scare even the best of woman, run after a dog, make a million jelly sandwiches, kiss bruised heads, and cry along with the kids over the milk that spilt:)

It, the above, is a good form of birth control. If you ever feel like you are going crazy and desiring a family or whatnot - I suggest doing this for a weekend - it will cure you and save you money on buying the pill:) At least it works for me. Not that I don't want kids - just I would need a full-time nanny or something. Actually, what I need more is patience - I have learned that it very important for parenting. So yah, that is the wisdom I impart to you. It also makes things that you were dreading - look much more inviting - like school, which starts tomorrow:)

Actually, despite my somewhat negitive tone - it wasn't that bad. The kids were cute, I got along with them - and I didn't lose my mind (keep your mouths shut people:)

I've survived two weeks - might not seem a lot to you guys - but it's a milestone for me. And I will paint a picture to commemorate it or something.
This template is called "Living the Dream", a modification of "The Light : The Sound". (c) 2005 Daniel Josph Xhan. Use and modify at your own discretion.