Z SoccerChic9: But do we really?
Saturday, August 25, 2007
Do we truly believe that nothing is impossible for God? We say that God is all powerful, that he knows all things, that he has a perfect plan and purpose in everything. Yet, do we truly believe that. When someone we love is dying, do we trust that God will do what's best, and that nothing is impossible for Him? When that person we love doesn't know the Lord, do we truly believe God is going to touch their life in a powerful and amazing way? When our job is tough, our children turn their back on us, after four years of trying we still don't have kids, a sickness touches the ones we love, or a disaster shakes our world. In those moments, of greatest pain and hardship, do we trust that God has a perfect plan, and with Him, nothing is impossible?

I know I don't. I like to control things...and those of you who know me can testify to that. I like to know where my life is going five years in advance. I'll tell you that I believe God has a perfect plan and purpose in all things, but often I try to control all things. It's like I'll give something to God, tell Him that I believe he'll do the right thing, and five minutes later I'm trying to wrestle it from his grasp and claim it.

So often we pray for rain, but leave our umbrella's at home. We ask God for things, fully expecting to never receive them. I wonder what would happen if we started to ask things of God, and expect great things to happen. What would happen if I truly believed that God has my best interest in mind, and so I trust Him with my life, and that He will open the doors and close them where He sees fit. What if instead of just saying that I believe God has a purpose in everything, I started backing it up with my actions?

Why is it so hard for me to let go and give God what is His in the first place? Because at the end of the day, this isn't my apartment, or my car, or my money. This isn't my job, or my health, my family, or the people I love. It's God's, and he's just blessed me with it.

If someone gives you a great gift, that you never deserved, never dreamed possible, and was far greater then anything you could imagine. If someone died for you, so that you could live...wouldn't you want to share that love with people around you?


This template is called "Living the Dream", a modification of "The Light : The Sound". (c) 2005 Daniel Josph Xhan. Use and modify at your own discretion.