Z SoccerChic9: Day Two: City Chick Becomes Country Hick
Tuesday, July 17, 2007
Day Two started with a bang, and that bang involved Air Canada getting my luggage back to me. I must say, that was a relief, as I wasn't exactly looking forward to wearing the same jeans and t-shirt the entire two weeks I was travelling. In future I am going to go for the Michelin Man look, and layer my entire wardrobe on my body. That way, if my luggage does get lost, at least I'll have 3 weeks of clothing on me.

After picking up my long lost luggage, and having a joyful and tearful reunion at the airport, we headed out to Craven, a very small and dusty town in SK. Also, the home of the Craven Country Jamboree. Apparently, this is where all the country hicks come together each year for a massive weekend of country music.

For those of you who know me, I listen to every type of music, except for country, so this definitely was a ground breaking experience for me. I'm quite sure I stood out like a sore thumb, as I happened to be the only person not wearing cowboy boots, a cowboy hat, and singing along with the music. Then again, considering there were 24,000 + people there, they might not have noticed.

So, I've been to my first country concert, or should I say my first five country concerts. I have to admit, Carrie Underwood was quite decent, and Reba lived up to the rumours that she wears sequins. I haven't converted to country music, but after standing for 8 1/2 hours in one small spot in order to have good viewings of these concerts, I do believe my mind became quite numb and I might have even smiled during a country concert. But, those are just rumours, that haven't been confirmed.

That was day two folks, I went out on the edge, and experienced something new. Seems to be the theme of this two-week vacation.


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