Z SoccerChic9: Thank goodness....It's March
Tuesday, March 06, 2007
So, the dreary tough month of February is over, and already things are looking up. For starters, and definately my most exciting news....Jello is coming to visit. I get a huge grin even now when I say that, despite the fact that I've known for like a week now. I am so excited, to say the least. Anyone who has heard me talk about this, knows that fact to be true. I cannot wait for her to come,it defiantely makes April an exciting month. I mean, what more could a girl ask for...one of her best friends coming for her birthday :)

In other happy news, my friend Heather had her baby, a sweet little baby boy. I wish I was there to help her out and see the little guy, but I am just living through pictures right now. Also, my cousin just had her first baby, Jasmine - weighing 8 pounds 15 ounces...ouch. But, baby and mother are doing well, and I'm looking forward to cute pics!!


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