Z SoccerChic9: Round three - or something..
Monday, April 25, 2005
So yah, in case you haven't heard already - I am presently employed (who knows how long that will last:). I accepted the job offer from Ferro & Company on Friday, and today I signed my life away on the dotted line. Bad news, I can only wear dark blue and black - ALWAYS have to wear suit jackets, no low tops (darn it:), and skirts are not allowed. So yah, so much for all those grey, burgundy, and other coloured dress pants that I have - and all those beautiful skirts that I just love wearing (okay, I might of exagerated the love part). The good news, I've always wanted to go to a school with uniforms - now I got a job with uniforms. And, I am allowed to wear different coloured shirts under my suit jackets - so that is where I will be crazy and daring - I am thinking bright floresent (sp?) green for the first day:)

Exciting news, Sarah Wassink works right by my work, like a block or two over - and we have the same work hours. I figure that was God's way of saying "Yes Mary, this job is for you." So, we will be carpooling, which works perfect, cause I won't have to find a parking spot each morning and pay for it, I get company on my drive to and from work, and I don't have to stress about finding a car a.s.a.p. cause I got a little more time. So yah, it's a whole lot of cool wrapped into a box.

Other most exciting and wonderful news:

I got my exemption from my last night course. I was so freakin exciting I did some screaming and a dance, and we had conservitive company over at my house. It was quite funny seeing their faces as I ran across the house screaming and dancing. Haaaa, it makes me laugh even still. But, this is a very good thing, it means I will be able to coach soccer yet again this year, five years baby - and I don't have to sit through 13 weeks of boring classes in which I study silly things.

I also recieved my marks for school this weekend. I missed my goal of 94% - but considering all things that happened this past semester - I will be happy with the 91% average that I got, and the legal award, and the fact that I will graduate with a diploma with honours. So yah, so happy that I didn't fail some classes - I was a little worried there. Thankfully though, God was good. It think it helped that Cheryl and I dropped off food for our teachers last week:) Nothing like a little bribe!!

So yah, a whole lot of good news for a Monday - and it's even raining.
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