Z SoccerChic9: My day....
Tuesday, August 09, 2005
Generally I wake up before my alarm clock goes off, it's kinda pysco, but I do absolutely hate the sound of alarm clocks so it just happens that way. However, this morning I was sound asleep, like one of those deep deep sleeps where time ceases to exist. During this deep sleep I happened to be dreaming, and in my dream it was Saturday - I remember thinking "awesome, it's Saturday, I can sleep in and I don't have to go to work." Suddenly, I hear Bep yelling at me and my alarm slowly becoming less foggy and more annoying. It was at that point that it all came flooding back - it was only Tuesday, and I had to go to work. Let me tell you, that should of been my first clue to stay home and call in sick, however, I am kinda slow at picking up on clues that early in the morning.

So, I manage to somehow wake up with a really cold shower and get myself ready for the day. Well, I walk in the door, early, just the way I like it. Pretty much no one is in the office yet, so I'm on a roll - awesome. About an hour into my day, my printer decides to jam up - of course it's the day when the IT guy isn't around - oh well, I managed to find tweezers in the first aid kit and I pull out the paper. Do you think my printer will work, not a chance - I think secretly it was laughing at me. So, I set my default printer to one of the main printers - which is across the office - oh well, I'll burn some extra calories or something.

Then, Amber walks in to inform me that I have a mediation scheduled for 9:00 and 12:00. Okay, so I pull the files and start doing the prep memos. Well, the 9:00 is resolved, so awesome (by the way, a mediation is with our lawyer, the insurance company, our client and a government mediator - our company wants me to start doing the mediations eventually instead of the lawyers). The 12:00 mediation is on my lunch break - fine, I can lose some more calories, no big deal. The mediation is with our junior junior lawyer - a younger guy who has a thing for woman's chest - kinda annoying and hard to talk to when he isn't looking at your face the entire time. Anyhow, he did not prep for the mediation at all - and basically I had to do all the work - which was annoying and made us look like we had no idea what we were doing.

I had a meeting scheduled for later in the day - well it seems our office has decided to download all units to everyone all at the same time. Basically, all the work in the office for tomorrow was laid on a table and people picked what they wanted to do - yah, let's just say my stress level rose about 100 fold. I finally managed to get out of the office and head home at 5:30 - only to get stuck in a traffic jam.

But, in that traffic jam - God showed me how little I am trusting him right now -and it was a lesson I need to learn.
This template is called "Living the Dream", a modification of "The Light : The Sound". (c) 2005 Daniel Josph Xhan. Use and modify at your own discretion.