Z SoccerChic9: The Mouse Story
Thursday, July 14, 2005
So, Bethany and I are taking care of the church this week - cause the Schmidts are on holidays, and they asked us. So, we said yes, cause that's what you're suppose to say when people ask you things. Anyhow, last night I'm vaccuming - mostly cause Bep doesn't like too, and cause it's a nice job where I can think. Anyhow, all of the sudden Bep comes up behind me and says "Guess what", well of course I couldn't hear her coming cause of the noise so I almost jumped out of my skin. She proceeds to tell me that a mouse just ran over her foot while she was cleaning the kitchen - and she screamed. Which of course, I did not hear because of the noise. Anyhow, I shuddered and made sure she wasn't going into shock and then back to the routine.

A little while later, I am walking down the hall to the babysit, to vaccum it, and out of no where - the mouse. I screamed, yes I'll admit it, I screamed like a girl. Bep came running down the hall like a madwoman on drugs - with a cookie container in her hand. She goes running past me and tries to pounce on the mouse with the cookie container. I was laughed while screaming cause she looked crazy - and there was a mouse loose. Finally, she get's the mouse into the container and goes running out the door across the parking lot with it in her cookie container.

So yes, that was the mouse story - hopefully there isn't a rat story tomorrow!
This template is called "Living the Dream", a modification of "The Light : The Sound". (c) 2005 Daniel Josph Xhan. Use and modify at your own discretion.