Z SoccerChic9: Canada takes a step in legalizing gay marriages
Wednesday, June 29, 2005
And the reactions to this vary across the board. Anger, surprise, joy, whatnot - everyone has their opinion on it, and most people are happy to give it to you. My personal opinion, not that anyone asked, but I'm sharing cause it's my blog or something, is not much really. I'm not surprised, and sometimes it frusterates me how everyone acts like this is some horrible thing that is destroying are world, or they react in shock - like I can't believe this would happen. Why? I don't understand that emotion. Is it horrible, yes it has it's negitive effects that are going to be far reaching, not just in this generation, but in many to come.

Some of those negitive sideffects, even taking an outsider's view. Heath care costs are going to increase due to more diseases being spread, children are going to have to deal with the added presure of people around them teasing them about their two dads, future possiblities of people who don't perform gay marriages being abused, the law which has stood for so many years will not have to be changed and this will have serious ramafications,etc.

Our society is not ready for a step like this, in general. Just the other day I was standing at a light waiting for it to turn, and a lesbian couple walked across the road. I didn't do anything, maybe cause I see those things more often in downtown Hamiton, or maybe because that's the lifestyle they've choosen and I'm not going to randomly preach a sermon to them. However, many people around me got uncomfortable, a few people made negitive comments towards gay people and then got a nervous look on their face like someone would rain fire down on them for being so "close-minded". As I observed this, I thought to myself, how odd - these are random people who generally advocate people having their own rights and belive that everyone should be equal - yet a lesbian couple holding hands makes them nervous. Why, because deep down most people don't agree with it and are uncomfortable around it.

What makes me smile to myself and shake my head, is the fact that the church, in my circles at least seems to be so shocked by this. The horror that our country is corrupt enough to even consider legalizing gay marraiges. It appalls them. Now, I'm not saying it shouldn't, cause frankly, it is appalling and directly against God's plan for the way things should be. But honestly, did you think holding a sign, signing a petition, and making public you opinion on this matter was going to stop it? I am not saying those things are wrong, in fact I think it's great when hundreds of people show up to protect against gay marriages being legalized - it's good to show that there are people who disagree with it. Yet, these are the end-times. It is suppose to be getting worse, not better, we are suppose to be going downhill not up.

With all that in mind - it would of shocked and surprised me if this bill hadn't made it through and the legalization of gay marriages had been rejected. But, after all, that is jut my humble opinon - you are free to disagree.
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