Z SoccerChic9: Back to school:)
Tuesday, September 07, 2004
Well, my first day back, and from the looks of Mohawk, me and the rest of the world. It is crazy here - so far I haven't run into any familiar faces - besides two girls from my class. Sheesh, I am just another face in the sea of faces. Hopefully once I get my schedule and everything figured out things will run a little more smoothly - like next week. First week is always interesting - I sympathize with all you people on your first day of school:)

I had an awesome week at Tamarack - everything was great (besides the food and the fact that it was less then a week long:). The Spiritual side was very refreshing, I really enjoyed the Ephesians 6 topic, it was challenging and enlightning. I also had good times hanging with friends and family - all this was topped off by the time at the beach yesterday - good times! It was a great month off.

Well, I have homework already from my first class - so off I go, I hope you guys are all having an awesome day!
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