Z SoccerChic9: The past....
Saturday, July 03, 2004
Sometimes it bothers me how much people around me let their past dictate their future. I want to say, "Let go of your past, live now because this is the present. Learn from your past but don't let it dictate your future." Then I realize, it is me who is letting my past dictate my future. The past is like a blood sucker that just won' t let go, sucking the joy out of today and destroying tomorrow's hope. Don't let the past kill you - I speak to myself more then anyone else.

"Hungry Vultures"

Haunted by her past -
She runs, stumbling, falling.
I see her eyes as she looks back.
Terror, sheer terror.
Like a hunted deer in head lights.

Hungry vultures perch over head
ready, waiting for her fall.
Her breath is waning - yet, on she claws.
Praying for escape; if only -
to be lost in the cracks.

The past is relentless.
Cutting off all escape.
He thrives on her pain;
constantly reminder her
of what has come and gone.

She screams, loud, piercing.
Hungryly looking for relief.
Mournful wails emite her soul.
Turning with knife in hand.
Stabbing. Attempting to kill.

But the past won't be defeated.
He pressed on, running her down.
She can't resists.
So he kills her, like a
vampire - sucks her blood.

Slowly she dies.
Face frozen in horror.
Hungry vultures rejoice.
This template is called "Living the Dream", a modification of "The Light : The Sound". (c) 2005 Daniel Josph Xhan. Use and modify at your own discretion.