Z SoccerChic9: I can live without him....
Friday, September 08, 2006
Recently I heard those words come out of a married woman's mouth. The thing that struck me as sad was not so much the words, as dismal as they sound, but the fact that she thought that was normal. I immediately thought that the other married woman in the room would be quick to jump in and say that marriage is not about settling. Instead I listened to one after another married woman talk about how sparks were not really important, they didn't have them, marriage was about hard work, and so forth.

Now, before you all jump up and tell me that marriage is about committement and hard work, and it's not easy.....I totally agree with all those things. I am quite sure there are times that you wake up in the morning and wish that you were not in this place at this time. I am sure there will be fights, were both parties are too stubborn to make up and apologize for a very insignificant disagreement. I think marriage takes hard work, and committement, but I do not believe that marriage is settling.

Perhaps I am a dellusional idealist, but I am a firm believer that marriage does not have to be settling. I want to be absolutely crazy about my guy....acknowledge his faults and still absolutely love him. I want to be able to trust him so completely, that I'm not scared he's going to leave me for the cute chick at the office. I want to wake up after 30 years of marriage, look over at my sleeping husband, bed head, stinky breath and all, and say "Darn, I am so lucky that I get to spend today with this man." I want to ask myself a million times how I got so lucky, or ask God at night what I can do to thank him.

I don't ever want the words "I could live without him" to come out of my mouth. You can tell me that I am living in a fairy world, or that I watched to many disney movies growing up - but I honestly don't think relationships mean settling. If you're asking yourself a million times over if this is really the guy you are going to have to spend the rest of your life with.....leave. It's honestly not worth it. You are an amazing person, don't ever settle just because you're scared to leave, or you don't think you can get anything better, or you've given up on being crazy in love.

Find a guy that you can't live without, who is just as crazy about you as you are of him - and marry him. It's not always going to be easy....but it's going to be an incredible journey that you'll never regret.
This template is called "Living the Dream", a modification of "The Light : The Sound". (c) 2005 Daniel Josph Xhan. Use and modify at your own discretion.