Z SoccerChic9: A sad day for Canada
Tuesday, June 20, 2006
It is with heavy hearts and tear-filled eyes that we acknowledge the sound of the buzzer in the distance, and the score across the screen, which reads 3-1. Whispers of "We'll get them next year" and "It just wasn't our day" float through the air from sober face to sober face. Edmonton bites the dust, and Canada is left with swifter's in hand trying to recover from a brutal win by Carolina.

You would think that a 5 on 3 advantage would have earned a goal or two, instead we earned a penalty, much to the dismay of fans all across Canada. Timbit hockey seems to best describe the event that took place. Almost as if these mighty hockey players needed an internal support system everytime they touched the puck.

Once again, Stanley Cup dreams are put on the shelf for next year, and pom poms are put in their boxes.

We'll get them next year!
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