Z SoccerChic9: Saskatoon Police Offiers
Sunday, February 12, 2006
So this weekend I had to attend a conference in Saskatoon, SK. For me, from Medicine Hat, it is approximately a six hour drive, which is no big deal because I get to see lots of flat fields, and more flat fields, and once I thought I saw two houses within a mile of each other, but it was just a mirage.

Anyhow, I am driving down once of these roads in the middle of open and empty fields, to say the least it was rather windy and blowy. As I am driving, I notice a police car coming towards me, I do the natural - check my speed - and continue driving. A few minutes later I happen to look in my review mirror and notice that the police officer is now behind me. It appears that he is calling in my car, and I am thinking, what in the world did I do wrong. I was going exactly the speed limit. So, I start dropping speed to see if he will pass, he doesn't, he just keeps following me and is sitting right on my tail. Finally, he puts on his lights, and I am thinking "Wow, I hope you don't have to go to SK to fight a ticket that you get in their province cause there is no way I was speeding". He gets out of his car, and he is younger - in his 20's maybe 30. He comes to my window and asks for my license and such, which I happily hand over, all the while wondering what he is going to nail me for.

He then says "Um, I noticed you moving around in your lane, and I wanted to make sure you weren't falling asleep". And I was like, "Um, no I wasn't falling asleep". He was right behind me the entire time and I knew that so I was extremely careful as to how I was driving. I told him it was kinda windy and with my small car it may be swaying a little. He said "Oh, okay, well maybe get your suspension checked the next time you have your car in".

When I arrived at the conference, the couple I told the couple I was billetinig with, the first thing the man said was "Was he a young cop" I said yes, and he gave me this cheesy smile, and said "Uhuh"

So yah, when driving to Saskatoon, watch out for the swaying of your car and young police officers.
This template is called "Living the Dream", a modification of "The Light : The Sound". (c) 2005 Daniel Josph Xhan. Use and modify at your own discretion.