Z SoccerChic9: Do real men watch soaps?
Saturday, February 04, 2006
I happened to be sitting in a resturant the other day; by myself actually, which always proves to be interesting as eating alone in a place full of talking people can be such an odd feeling. I always feel like I should be in a hurry when this happens, because why would I stay any longer than necessary when I am by myself, eating. Anyhow, this particular day I was in Wendy's, and as I was sitting there working on my budget and eating my hamburger, I couldn't help but overhear the two men at the table across from me. They looked normal to me, as in they had a shirt and a head and such, but their conversation was anything but normal. They were discussing their favourite soap operas. Now maybe I just live in the wrong part of town, or perhaps it happened to be something in the wind that day, but I generally do not hear men talking about soap operas, especially not in a positive light. However, these two gentlemen were quite animated and vocal about their opinions on which soap opera was the best.

It was then that I asked myself the question, "Do real men watch soaps?" and I wasn't really sure if I had an answer, because after that question another followed closely behind, "Do real woman watch soaps". And suddenly I questioned why anyone would want to transport themselves into a world so far from reality each day at 1:00.

I, unfortunately, do not have the answers, so I leave the questions with you....do real men and woman watch soaps?
This template is called "Living the Dream", a modification of "The Light : The Sound". (c) 2005 Daniel Josph Xhan. Use and modify at your own discretion.