Z SoccerChic9: The Liberals latest move...
Thursday, December 08, 2005
is dumb just incase anyone was wondering. Banning guns from Canada....it's rather funny to say the least. What's even funnier, is being in Alberta and watching the reactions, along with people wanting to, or going out to, buy guns because if the Liberals get in they might not be able to get one.

Though, the Liberals claim they will let the police and possibly gun collectors keep their guns...so we can all breath again, because the police are allowed to keep their guns, isn't that great. And everyone else...they can just become gun collectors:)

I love this Liberal government, they make me feel so safe and protected...they babysit my children for me, take the guns away from almost everyone, and promise to increase the taxes, just for fun!! And above and beyond all that, they promise to never have us get bored, because they'll just create a scandal to keep us feeling alive and entertained!!
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