Z SoccerChic9: Three more weeks:)
Monday, November 22, 2004
I recieved my exam schedule last Friday - not to bad I must say. Thankfully I have my Canadian Politics exam next week and not in week 14. Otherwise though, besides Monday during which I have two exams with half an hour in between of my two worst subjects, things are looking good. One exam a day - most of them are in the afternoon with the exception of Tuesday morning at 8:30:) So, I can't complain. Basicly our highest goal at the moment is to live through the next three weeks and hand in our projects which are due. Anything above that is supposedly a miracle:)

I went running Thursday, Friday and Saturday. I really should have a down day in between, but I was a little on the stressed side and running makes me feel better. Helps clear the brain and then I acomplish a lot of homework - which is good they tell me:) There is something about running down a road, in the cold, hitting an invisible brick wall, and telling yourself to keep running despite the fact you are sure you are going to hack up a lung and die. You feel like you conquered the world when you finish!!

We had a GST fund raiser as a youth group Saturday night - we made over $7,000.00 so that was cool. It all goes to the church so hopefully we can pave the parking lot and then play rollerblade hockey on it (well that is my dream, I am sure the elders have something else in mind:)
This template is called "Living the Dream", a modification of "The Light : The Sound". (c) 2005 Daniel Josph Xhan. Use and modify at your own discretion.