Z SoccerChic9: Friday.
Friday, November 19, 2004
Thank goodness for the weekends - I need them every once in a while to catch up on homework! I went for a run last night, it was quite stress relieving - which is a good thing at the moment. Though I thought I might just have a heart attack and die on some forgotten lonely road:) Which means everyone is invited to my funeral, on a couple conditions:

1. That you sign my cardboard box coffin and maybe draw a picture for me.
2. That you enjoy the fireworks display at the end of the night.
3. That you remember a flash light - cause I am being buried at night with torches - but I would hate for you not to be able to find your way to my spot and you fall in an open grave or something:)
4. That you drink a class of champane.
5. * Optional - you give a speach of what you really thought about me - not some flowery speach of lies.
5. That you try to be happy (which might not be so hard for some of you:) because I am in a better place afterall.

I want a different funeral - as you can see - then the ones I have attended.

Nick is having a praise evening thingy for his birthday tonight - should be fun. Tomorrow is the GST Auction from the youth group - hopefully we raise truck loads of money - and I get a new car out of the deal (well, I wasn't suppose to tell you that part:)
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