Z SoccerChic9: It is..
Friday, November 12, 2004
quiet here - kinda remarkable for a Friday. I think everyone decided to skip out today - which is quite a good idea. I just finished a test - I think it went okay. Now I have three hours to kill before my next class. Really makes you want to leave and go home. But, it is always that one class that you decide to skip for no good reason that happens to be an important one. So, I make myself feel guilty if I leave and I stay and sit through another boring Real Estate class, all the time wondering why I am here:) It's not that bad really - Ms. Cooper makes me laugh quite hard some days. Last week she had some of the girls in class crying they were laughing so hard. She can be quite funny for an elderly teacher!

My parents are gone this weekend. I think I will order pizza for supper, rents some movies and have a party with my siblings - great times. They usually beg to play sardines in the dark - which always proves to be interesting. Then tomorrow I will do homework, clean house, and all those fun things that you get to do when your parents are gone!

Anyhow, I am off. Have a most luverly Friday!
This template is called "Living the Dream", a modification of "The Light : The Sound". (c) 2005 Daniel Josph Xhan. Use and modify at your own discretion.