Z SoccerChic9: Nothingness...
Tuesday, November 09, 2004
I have to write a paper for Canadian Politics. I choose Bush's presidency, a nice contraversial subject. And while researching some newspaper articles on the net - I came across one that was telling how thousands of U.S. citizens are looking into migrating to Canada since Bush won the election. Perhaps all Americans just decided to look into moving to Canada around the same time, or maybe it really does have to do with the results of the latest election in the U.S.. Anyhow, the goverment website usually gets about 20,000 visits a day, but the day after Bush's re-election, it skyrocketed to 115,628. Interesting.

School is starting to get busy again. I guess we are all gearing up for Finals. I look forward to next semester when I have a week long reading break, and a two week placement. Which will cut my 14 week semester down to 11 weeks. That should make it fly by faster.

I've been job searching as of late. Just to make sure I do have the potential of getting a job after I finish school. Our teachers said last year 96% of the students were hired. As long as I am not the remainding 4% we are good:) I was thinking since I am always cold, I should move to the States, like California and work there!! Splendid idea methinks.
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