Z SoccerChic9: This Morning..
Friday, November 05, 2004
as I drove to school I passed this park, which is right on the way. It is lined with trees, all in straight rows, like soldiers guarding something of immense value. As I drove past the sun broke through the clouds, turning the yellow leaves into a brilliant shade of gold. It was quite beautiful and I was thankful that I was alive to see it.

The weather is calling for snow this weekend. Orangeville had snow this morning - not to scare you or anything:) I find the mornings quite cold already - I dread having to get up and scrape ice and snow of my vehicle and freeze all the way to school. Then again, I am quite the wuss. Though I am looking forward to the snow and Christmas. I'm already making my christmas list - hopefully someone intercepted all the negitive reports about me which were headed up to Santa in the North Pole. Then he will think I've been good and I will get lots of present:) Giggles like a little kid:)
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