Z SoccerChic9: My week...
Tuesday, October 26, 2004
I had an awesome weekend - despite not going to Acquire the Fire which would have been cool. I spent it instead hanging with Sarah T. for a while after school (good times - as we laugh at how silly we are:), spent some time on the phone (I always hate calling people, but then when I do actually pick up the phone - you can't get me off - it is a habit I should break), then watched Runaway Bride with my sister.

Saturday I slept in (oh the bliss) and then I spent aproximately 5 hours doing homework - it was good - in the sense that I got a lot done. Then Dax came down - we did groceries for my mom and then went out for supper, afterwhich he taught be how to play chess - I need practice, to say the least. Oh and if you ever need someone to draw something for you - don't ask me, I can't even draw a camel:0

Sunday I hung with my friends - good times. Beat Sarah T. in Trouble - yaa, sorry Sarah. She was a little upset after that and threw a minor hissy fit:)

And my school week days have kinda melted together in a lump. I have my last midterm tonight, I don't think it will be too hard, then three major project due in the next few weeks and things seem to have settled down until finals:) That is my life at the moment - nothing drasticly exciting.
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