Z SoccerChic9: Monday
Monday, October 18, 2004
Time ceased to exist today. At 3:00 in the afternoon I felt like it was 8:00 in the morning. Not that time was flying by or anything - it was just like time never was and I was stuck in a timeless society.

I am wiped tonight - I was dead at school today - don't know why, but I feel like this is what a hangover must be like (not that I know). I skipped youth group tonight - not that I committed to going this year, but I was going to try be there when I could.

I have so much homework to do - somedays it feels endless. But, I am enjoying learning about law in school - so that is good. I can't complain cause I like what I am doing. There is always the scary thought tucked in the back of one's mind that you may not actually like what you are going to school for despite thinking you would love it. Thankfully that hasn't happened to me as of yet!

I am happy today - despite feeling dead (or maybe that is why:) It is a good thing in a whole lot of ways.
This template is called "Living the Dream", a modification of "The Light : The Sound". (c) 2005 Daniel Josph Xhan. Use and modify at your own discretion.