Z SoccerChic9: I am killing time...
Thursday, October 21, 2004
horrible I know. I had a midterm this morning - most exciting - actually not really so much. Though I think I did okay - nothing was extremely puzzling for long extended periods of time.

So now, I have finished all the pressing homework - and am presently not doing anything of great importance. Looking forward to coffee tonight though!

Bush and Kerry are apparently in a dead heat against each other at the moment, according to recent polls. I find this kind of interesting - I don't think Bush would do so well here in Canada (based on the opinions that fly around). Should be interesting to hear what happens there.

Apparently Americans have been gaining weight (no offense to the Americans who read this), but air flight companies are finding they are spending more money on fuel to fly people who have gained a few extra pounds. The option that they came up with - how about charging people their flights based on their weight. So, prices are based on a pound of body weight.

I am sure that would produce some interesting and amusing senarios - and possibly a few people collapsing due to not eating before their flights.
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