Z SoccerChic9: Tuesday...
Tuesday, November 02, 2004
I just finished a Canadian Politics test - I think I may of just failed my first test in college. How exciting:) It was quite hard to say the least and I had to write a whole lot of bull for most of it - which makes me nervous cause bull is only right so many times. Anyhow, I have another chance to redeem myself hopefully in the last test which is in a few weeks. Crazy.

The votes are coming in for the States election. Thankfully there is no reported problems in Florida this time:) Officials are predicting a record turnout to the election this year. Turnout for 2000 presidential election was only 51 per cent. Following a quirky tradition of post-midnight voting in New Hampshire's North Country, 16 people voted for Bush, 14 for Kerry and one for Ralph Nader.

So, it continues and we wait to see.
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