Z SoccerChic9: Crazyness
Tuesday, November 16, 2004
I believe all my teachers got together and decided how they could make us really appreciate our christmas holidays. I believe the conclusion was pile all the work on us in the last 4 weeks. And the conclusion is - yes they are doing their job quite well in that department. I am feeling a little swamped at the moment. Just hoping I can keep my grades and maybe improve them despite the busyness.

I must look helpful today - wierd. I was sitting in the computer lab minding my own business and the girl beside me asked me to watch her stuff while she went to the bathroom - so I was like sure that is fine. When she came back she started a conversation with me about her school and all this stuff, asked me some computer questions (maybe she thought I knew cause I was typing a little fast - or maybe I look smart - stop laughing:). Then I was sitting here, and another person came up to me and asked me how I would answer a homework question. So I gave my answer - and now I am quite wierdafied. This does not happen generally. Odd.

I had a most awesome weekend. It was quite nice and relaxing with some fun thrown in there, and not too much homework. Which was quite nice I must say.

I have a major presentation due tomorrow - I definately will be winging it. I spent quite a lot of time on the powerpoint presentation for the group which left me no time for my presentation piece. Should be interesting to say the least:) Hopefully it all goes smoothly and we get an amazing mark!! Me thinking positive!

Anyhow - I have a class till 9:30 - have fun relaxing at home - I will think of you all while I am in class:)
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