Z SoccerChic9: The beginning.
Friday, October 01, 2004
It was a regular Monday morning. Nothing about it would suggest that something different would happen. I had woken up early, before my alarm clock - it's the way I like it really. Something about having to hear that screeching sound just makes your day start off wrong. I sat on the floor with the sun streaming through the window as I tried to decide what books I would need for the day. All the while wondering why Monday's had to start at 9:00 and go till 5:00, quite a rude shake back into reality after the weekend.

My morning drive was uneventful, no scary drivers trying to cut me off, and construction crew had yet to start their days work. I drove down the street to my school in a morning daze. The radio playing softly in the background. I casually looked into my review mirror - a good thing to do every once in a while - and that is when it happened.

You know those times when you make eye contact with someone behind you while driving. That is what happened. I made eye contact with the person behind me, not a big deal. I casually glanced away, but then something drew me back. It was his eyes, they were lifeless, cold and piercing. It is a very wierd feeling. Like somehow the privacy of your car has been invaded and you feel vulnerable. The feeling that will make you lock your doors and send shivers down your back. It was like he could see right through me and he was in a car behind me.

I quickly looked forward, yet something had rooted itself in the depths of me. I wierd feeling that is hard to describe, like that feeling you get before something big happens and your life changes forever.

I tried to brush it away, it wasn't a big deal I was just a paranoid freak:)

I drove into school and headed off to my first class. The memory of those eyes left behind, that was until I walked into the caffeteria.

I was quietly minding my own business, preparing my morning bagel with butter. I turned away from the toaster and someone bumped into me, I muttered a sorry, but he didn't move. I looked up and my blood turned cold. It was the owner of those eyes. The very eyes I had seen that morning.

I think my mouth must of dropped opened and time seemed to have stopped. It was then that I realized it had come. The thing I was dreading most was taking place and my life had just changed forever.
This template is called "Living the Dream", a modification of "The Light : The Sound". (c) 2005 Daniel Josph Xhan. Use and modify at your own discretion.