Z SoccerChic9: Second Day....
Wednesday, September 08, 2004
Wednesday's are going to be my favourite day of the school week I think. I have on morning class - 9:30-11:00. It is great, then the rest of the day off to get things completed - and Bible study at night - which I am looking forward to. Monday and Thursday are going to be my late days at school - I may have night school possibly on Tuesday. But otherwise things are finally getting straightened out here.

You know what is sad - I think in general we don't dream enough. We have become robots performing our daily tasks without any spark or passion for life. Considering all the amazing things we have been given and have the opportunities to experience - you would think our life would be full of excitement. Sadly when I look across the sea of faces, it is hard to find someone who looks like they really enjoy life. What is worse - my face most likely reflects the same look.

I had advanced communication class today - I think it is going to be a big joke. I sometimes wonder who comes up with these programs. But, at the end I should know the following - how to effectively end relationships, how to express my inner self, how to avoid being used by people, etc.. Should be interesting - in my humble opinion - considering I didn't agree with everything that was said in just the introduction to the course:)
This template is called "Living the Dream", a modification of "The Light : The Sound". (c) 2005 Daniel Josph Xhan. Use and modify at your own discretion.