Z SoccerChic9: The latest in politics.
Tuesday, July 06, 2004
One hour and four minutes ago - John Kerry announced his formal rival John Edwards to be his running mate for the upcoming elections. Kerry said that he realized that Edwards had guts and determination along with a lot of political skill when he was running against him.

I think this is most likely a politically smart move. Pick someone who knows what they are doing, and ran a good campaign against you. You know their strong points and weaknesses.

Bush, however, did not respond so well to Edwards and labelled him a "disingenuous, unaccomplished liberal."

Though there may be some issues with these two men joining up. Both are against the $87 billion package for Iraq and Afghanistan. Though, they disagree on the North American Free Trade Agreement. Kerry voted for it, Edwards campaigned against it. Also differing in opinions on "partial birth" abortion, the death penalty, and the way to deal with taxes.

So, this may cause some rough spots that need to be ironed out. I guess time will tell. An interesting choice for John Kerry though - this has the potential of being a strong team for the elections.
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