Z SoccerChic9: Interesting - on the politics side
Friday, July 09, 2004
Apparently Bush is still ahead of John Kerry as far as the recent polls are saying (Bush - 49%, Kerry 45% - and Independent Candidate Ralph Nader - 3%). Though the Bush-Kerry matchup was tied a month ago.

Kerry is gaining support though due to the expansions he has made. Some people are saying they don't trust Kerry but due to him picking Edwards - he has re-gained their support. Kerry is working hard to re-build his bases, and draw supporters from all areas.

Bush still has loyal supporters. People who thought he was on the wrong track but are not convinced he is turning around and doing a better job. This is reflected in Bush's overall approval rating - which just hit 50 percent - for the first time since January.

Though this sudden twist with the Iraq reports - may change this game for Bush. Not exactly an issue that you want to deal with before elections.
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