Z SoccerChic9: 25 Minutes ago...
Friday, July 09, 2004
Washington U.S. intelligence agencies became victims. Apparently this group came to an incorrect conclusion when assessing Iraq's weapons capabilities - which greatly affected the 2003 invasion.

This report blasts Director George Tenet (who has since resigned), and accuses him of skewing advice to top policy-makers. It also blamed him for not personally reviewing Bush's 2003 State of the Union address, which refered to (the now dis-regarded reference) that Iraq was trying to purchase Uranium in Afria.

****President Bush's chief spokesman, Scott McClellan, said the committee's report essentially "agrees with what we have said, which is we need to take steps to continue strengthening and reforming our intelligence capabilities so we are prepared to meet the new threats that we face in this day and age."***

I was wondering what their first clue towards this conclusion was:)Like ya, you may want to check your information and make sure you are correct before jumping to conclusions based on theories - and starting wars on top of it.

Sources are now saying Saddam Hussein had no nuclear weapons program, no biological weapons, and only small amounts of chemical weapons were found.

So, either Saddam did a good job of covering up - or there is the chance that the U.S. may be wrong in their assumptions. Kinda scary that this country can't even run their own intelligence programs correctly.
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