Z SoccerChic9: Don't do it....Don't give in...
Thursday, July 08, 2004
Seriously, it's not worth it. I know you want to but in the end you will thank me for this timeless advice. Some things are just not meant to happen and you will be thankful when you don't let yourself give in. So, like I said, don't watch Spiderman 2. I did tonight - I thought the first one kinda sucked, well this one blew chunks. The acting was sad, the plot line was predictable and boring, Kristen Dunst looked terrible (just incase you were going because she was in it:), and it ended with an opening for Spiderman 3. I hate movies that can't stand on their own two feet. The positive side, I was there with my friends which is always fun. Nick and I groaned through the sappy parts and tried to think of positive things - hard to find. So ya, that concludes my summary of Spiderman 2.

I was in school today and I came to the conclusion that - I am in a mental institution. Terrible I know - I discovered what everyone was trying to hide from me. I can't escape from this place. It started with me noticing the queer green of one of the class room walls. Green as in a hospital green, pale and weak. I thought hmmm that's strange. Then I noticed the dark hallways, dead looking people, zombie-like creatures, the half-alive food, the wires sticking out of the ceiling, and the bags that everyone was carrying on their back. I am sure these bags contained tracking mechanisms. And the "Teachers" - one was making a wierd siren-like noise in class to get everyones attention. Teachers bah, more like promoted mental patients - just living off higher doses of drugs.

And all of the sudden it all came together.

My friends and family had brought me here, brain-washed me into beliving that it would make me a better place, a stronger person, and loyal citizen. What a joke. I suppose they think they are doing what is best it's just sad that I had to find this out. My life outside of this institute is merely a figment of my imagination. That is sad becasue it was such a good life - now to find out it is merely a dream - kind of crushing. I feel like telling these people that they are in an institute with me - that we don' t have lives outside of this building. But somehow, that seems cruel. Let them live in peace I say - let them think this is good and they have an amazing life outside. Who am I to break their happy dillusion?
This template is called "Living the Dream", a modification of "The Light : The Sound". (c) 2005 Daniel Josph Xhan. Use and modify at your own discretion.