Z SoccerChic9: Controversial Issues - Part 10 - Married for life?
Thursday, December 27, 2007
So, I asked a few people this question over the weekend, and it seemed to raise a few neck hairs, so I decided to make it a controversial issue post, just to keep everyone on their toes.

Here is the scenario:

There is a gay couple who got married, adopted some children, and then became Christians after 14 years of marriage. What do they do now? Does that make their marriage void? Was their marriage void in the first place? Should they get a divorce? Or should they continue living their life? What about the children? What is stronger, a marriage commitment, or not living in a way that dis-honours God.

I think you really have to start with what is the definition of marriage, and what makes it official. Is it when you stand in front of a group of people and express vows to each other, or is it the signing of the piece of paper, or is it when you make a commitment to live together and be committed to just your partner?

Now, I'm not going to give my opinion, and I realize that this question is somewhat narrow, as in you would have to look at this from a Christian perspective in order for this question to even really be an issue. However, that's the question of the day.


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