Z SoccerChic9: You know...
Friday, December 29, 2006
We went sledding tonight...and I wore jeans, running shoes, and a sweater and jacket....long story short, I froze somewhere on a hill in Alberta. But, it was a totally sweet hill...there were three major bumps, and lots of trees, and if you hit the third bump to fast you had to bail because there were metal spikes just below it, and then you ran into people's yards and the road. Gotta love living life on the edge:)

Of course no sledding run is complete without Starbucks - and I am seriously addicted to my new drink. Mmmm, anything that is topped with carmel, how could you not fall in love with it!!

Jello and I start house sitting tomorrow night....should be a blast actually...they have a pretty sweet house, and huge tv and awesome leather couches...so yeah, we're pretty much set!!

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