Z SoccerChic9: Four teeth less...
Saturday, December 09, 2006
Thanks to regular drugs at high doses and frequencies, I have been able to survive the last day without going into shock over the pain. This morning, all four of my impacted wisdom teeth were removed, and I am now the happy owner of a bleeding mouth, puffy and extremely white face. I'd like to say that I thought the pain would be worse, but I honestly think that it is the meds that are keeping me sane. I missed the first medication by about half an hour, and the pain almost put me through the roof (not to scare anyone who is having their wisdom teeth pulled or anything).

Thanks to my mom's faithful nursing, I have been able to sleep most of the day, only to be woken up at the hours I need my meds. Let me tell you, if you are getting your wisdom teeth pulled out don't do it when you are home alone. Be somewhere so that someone can help moniter the pain, feed you jello, and change the blood cotton stuff in your mouth.

On a happy note...London recieved four feet of snow...which is totally awesome if you don't have to go anywhere, and you have a fireplace and a good book or something!

Anyhow, meds are kicking in...which means I'm about to crash. Enjoy your pain free weekends - and don't fight the drugs, sometimes they are your friends :)


This template is called "Living the Dream", a modification of "The Light : The Sound". (c) 2005 Daniel Josph Xhan. Use and modify at your own discretion.