Z SoccerChic9: I'm HOme
Monday, February 20, 2006
So, I officially moved in to my own basement apartment this weekend. It's small, but cute, and totally brand new since my landlords had just completly redone it. So, if you're down in Medicine Hat, you can stop by and I'll like make you food or something. Though, you may not want to count on the food part - as I am kinda working on keeping myself alive with my cooking:)

It's wierd living on my own - much quieter and such. But there is Dory - and Dory is a beautiful and handsome chocolate lab, and we go walking and play soccer together. She walks me for about 3/4 of the time, and then lets me walk her for the last quarter. I am sure people around here find it rather humerous, as I am pretty much dragged down the street by a chocolate lab - but hey, it gives me a workout and saves me money as we tramp all over town and run errands!!
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