Z SoccerChic9: Hello Ice
Monday, January 09, 2006
Today, I got up at 5:00 and headed off to Barrie to do some snowboarding. I must say, the snow was beautiful today and it wasn't that cold....and the best part is that I actually stayed up on my board for the majority of the time. It might not have been pretty, I am sure my butt was in the air the entire time, but I managed to get down the hills. Though I did wipe out quite majorly and smash up my one knee quite badly. I would love to show you a picture of the bruise, but I am kinda too lazy right now, and my legs are hairy cause I haven't shaved them. So, I'll spare you the pain:)

On an odd note, I leave a week from today, and that is just wierd. It's been awesome being here and seeing everyone, but I am kinda ready to go back and get started on putting together my life in Alberta.
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