Z SoccerChic9: My thoughts.
Wednesday, August 04, 2004
Somedays - moments drag out like an eternity. Each one marking a moment you will never see again. You can sit and look at the clock - watching the hands move slowly and really what you are doing is watching your life pass by. Then is scares you and you think oh, gotta do something - but somehow your gaze is eventually drawn back and you again are watching your life go by. I think I am losing it:) Mary is strange

This semster our class was joined with another - so instead of 20 or so students we now have over 50. The thing that sucks the most about this arangement is the other class loves to complain. They hate the teachers, their hair, their eyes, their nose, they hate the homework, tests, colour of the class, they hate the computers, the flooring, the noise. Seriously, some moments you wonder what else they can find to complain about. Now, as a disclaimer, not all of them are like this but about 72.4% of their class is.

It was during one of these complaining moments about our teacher and how they were going to tell her off, that I thought to myself - I hope I don't ever sound like this. Actually the good thing was one of the girls in my class that I hang with told them off. They were kinda disapointed that they had not gained our support - but such is their life.

Why is it that we hate the moments of waiting? Is it because our culture has made up people who are impatient. People who want to do everything as quickly as possible. Or is it just human nature and our culture feeds it? I hate waiting somedays - waiting for that phone call, or an e-mail, or a class. Silly really. I guess if I can't be content with where I am at - I never will be content when I have what I want. It is just a whole lot easier to say on paper then to actually live out some days. I will add this to the thing I have to work on list.
This template is called "Living the Dream", a modification of "The Light : The Sound". (c) 2005 Daniel Josph Xhan. Use and modify at your own discretion.