Z SoccerChic9: I am glad..
Wednesday, July 28, 2004
it was raining this morning. Somehow sun would of seemed cruel - wierd. It is Wednesday, in someways this week has flown, in others it has dragged on wings of an Osterich (a. I can't spell that, b. it's very slow cause they don't use their wings so much:).

Soccer was wet and rainy last night, yet somehow stress reliving, I practiced with the kids, since I can use it. We lost our game, though I found out we are presently the top team in our division. I wasn't expecting that.

The Ontario government is thinking of starting toll booths to help pay for the 30-year construction plan that they have. I guess there could be benefits to this. Though I am not sure the public will respond so well.

Anyhow, I should be studying so off I go.
This template is called "Living the Dream", a modification of "The Light : The Sound". (c) 2005 Daniel Josph Xhan. Use and modify at your own discretion.