Z SoccerChic9: Reflection.....
Monday, November 14, 2005
On a random whim the other day I applied for a job in Alberta....kinda crazy, I know. Especially because it takes 34 hours approximately to drive to where I would be living if I got the job. Perhaps it was because no one expects it, or maybe because it's a really great job offer, or maybe I am tempting fate, maybe I subconsciously think I don't have a chance at getting it, or maybe it's the rock club they have down there. I think I should join if I move:)

Then again, I'm also a referee for a hockey tournament tomorrow, I've never been a referee for one before - so maybe it's the week for new experiences:)

Just thought I'd say.
This template is called "Living the Dream", a modification of "The Light : The Sound". (c) 2005 Daniel Josph Xhan. Use and modify at your own discretion.