Z SoccerChic9: Hello Alberta
Friday, November 25, 2005
Well, 34 straight hours later, without stopping for anything but gas and bathroom breaks, we are bug eyed, tierd, and permenantly stuck in a sitting position....but, we arrived, safe and sound in Medicine Hat, Alberta...thank you Lord.

The snow started London and Sarnia way...in about three hours we counted 54 vehicles in the ditches...many with people still in them as accidents were happening by the second. It was a really odd feeling, almost like you were entering the end of this planet or something, as the cars dropped off in front and beside us. Thankfully, we were able to get through without an incident, despite the bad weather.

North Dakota also offered really bad weather, which almost (and I am quite serious about the almost) landed us in a ditch. It was very brutal driving, as you could not see anything and it was pitch black outside with snow pelting the windsheild.

We almost got a ticket...but the police officer I think felt sorry for us as we stared back at him with ghost white faces, and sucken blood shot eyes. He told us to have a good trip and let us go....whew.

We also hit a cat, but unfortunately did not kill it - we didn't have the guts to try hit it again.

We took some awesome pictures....the praries are beautiful....and hard to describe.

But, all that to say that Medicine Hat is much bigger then I thought it would be...it has everything except for a Chapters...but they have an Indigo. I can see myself falling in love with this place:)

Anyhow, I am exhausted...thank you for your prayers - we felt them.
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