Z SoccerChic9: I am studying...
Tuesday, July 13, 2004
well I should be, but not at this exact moment. The teachers have reserved all their homework, tests, and assignments for aproximately the same time. Such is life though - so I am spending another evening after school, in the library pounding away on the keyboard - my new best friend. This is fine because it is a student's life they tell me, making the business world look friendly and inviting after cold hallways, stern teachers and boring lectures. Maybe they are trying to prepare us for reality - one never knows. Anyhow I am burying myself in school at the moment - trying to stay strong for the remainding three weeks, three days, 13.5 hours:) I need to work hard if I want to come near the honor roll so that is my goal, presently.

Interesting things though:

- According to studies, recent and not so recent - 50-60% of communication is through body language. This may give the theory, "words are the most powerful communication tool", a run for its money.

- Apparently 70% of all diseases are rooted in stress build-up. Not surprising I guess but a scary thought if you stress about it:)
This template is called "Living the Dream", a modification of "The Light : The Sound". (c) 2005 Daniel Josph Xhan. Use and modify at your own discretion.