Z SoccerChic9: What is our world coming to?
Wednesday, July 14, 2004
A recent study was conducted in Berlin to see if dumb blonde jokes slow mental activity. Apparently after reading blonde jokes, blondes performed intelligence tests more slowly. Jens Foerster a social psychologist from the International University Bremen in northern Germany said, "But after exposure to negative social-stereotypes about them, the fair-haired participants performed significantly more slowly in the tests. "Foerster explained the result by saying that when people are told they can't perform a task well, they work more slowly but more cautiously, to try to make fewer mistakes. "The study shows that even unfounded prejudices generally dismissed as untrue can affect an individual's confidence in their own ability," said Foerster.

I am thinking we are a messed up society - we have to conduct studies to figure out that negitive attitudes towards us may affect our productivity.
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