Z SoccerChic9: Random.
Saturday, July 17, 2004
It was one of those instances that you look back on later and wonder; what exactly sparked it. Was it the warm summer sun peaking through the balconey awning, or the sound of ocean waves dancing on the shore? Whatever it was, it happened. On that distant September afternoon on the shores of Spain.

Despite it being the first time, it felt like I had been here before - a million times before. It was one of those lazy days, those Saturday mornings that move at the speed of stagnant water. The sun was making its mark against the balconey floor, and I was alone. Sitting at my computer with my chair tipped back, looking across the ocean. A beautiful fall day was painting the landscape while one lonely sail boat dipped in the wind. Dipping, surfacing and dipping again.

The beach was quiet, not a single soul walked against the white sand. On a normal day this would of set warning signals off in my head. But it wasn't a normal day, and I was mesmerized by the beauty of it.

It was then, that it happened. I was unsure if it was the first time, or perhaps I had been trasported years forward into my future. But with one single knock on the door, my entire life changed in a matter of seconds.
This template is called "Living the Dream", a modification of "The Light : The Sound". (c) 2005 Daniel Josph Xhan. Use and modify at your own discretion.